Welcome to our directory of participating photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists and videographers taking part in Supermodel SA.
The purpose of this directory is to connect models with participating service providers in the contest and also for the public to be able to find professionals with the skill types such as needed for this contest.
The directory results can be filtered by municipal district across South Africa and by the type of service provided. You can also use the search option if you know the name of the photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist or videographer. Clicking on the drop-down arrow below each profile picture will reveal more information about each particular service provider.
Contestants can team up with different service providers throughout the eight different themes of Supermodel SA or they can build a team to stick with for the duration of the contest.
Service providers may not always be available for every single request from a contestant. Service providers can mark themselves as available or unavailable for certain periods of time during the contest depending on their normal work commitments. Contestants should always verify early and in advance, if their favourite photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist or videographer will be available for the upcoming theme.
Service providers do not pay to register to be part of the contest, but they also do not charge for the work they perform for the contest. However, they will charge their normal rates to the public and we have outlined a recommended fee to charge contestants for any additional images the contestant wish to obtain that is not part of the images the photographer will submit for the purpose of the contest.
To get listed in the Directory of photographers, makeup artists and hair stylists you can click here.