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Any female between the ages of 18 to 35 residing in South Africa can enter Supermodel SA. Make sure that if you have a contract with a modelling agency and that you have their written permission to take part.

There are different types of registrations. You can enter as a contestant or as a professional service provider. You can even register as a sponsor. You can enter at https://supermodelsa.co.za/register

Pre-Registrations opens on 1 January. Please see https://supermodelsa.co.za/regsitrations/ for all the dates and types of registrations that can take place.

The Early Bird Entry Fee is R650 valid from 1 to 28 Feb and the the normal entry fee after that is R800. You don’t need to pay anything after this. You also don’t have to pay any photographer or other professional services providers unless you require additional services from them that is not part of the contest. Optional discount coupons may be made available to you to purchase products from sponsors. You can find more info at https://supermodelsa.co.za/register/


Unfortunately not, only registered participating photographers may take and submit your images.

Yes, you may stick with the same participating photographer or you may choose to use other participating photographers depending on their availability. Note that the photographer must be registered with the contest.

Contestants will have to source wardrobes or make use of their own.

Upon entering the contest you will have to sign a model release form. If you have a contract with a modelling agency you need to discuss the release form with them first and obtain their permission before proceeding.


Great news! Photographers, hair stylists, makeup artists and videographers do not pay to take part in the contest.

You can register as a professional service provider or you can register as a sponsor. You can do so at: https://supermodelsa.co.za/register

You can read in detail about the role participating photographers play in this contest at: https://supermodelsa.co.za/what-are-required-from-photographers/


There will be an active wear, high fashion, swimwear, urban and other similar types of themes. Contestants will not be required to pose nude or suggestively, neither will there be any boudoir or similar themes.

A theme is announced. The contestant and the participating professional service providers need to study the briefing of the theme. The photoshoot needs to take place and the photographer needs to provide the contestant with a number of images for selection. After the contestant has made her final selection, the photographer will finish the edits and submit the images to the contest. This all needs to happen before the submission deadline of the round.

No, only images taken specifically for the contest and for the specific theme and during the time frame of the Round may be submitted. Deviating from this may result in both the contestant and the photographer being banned from the contest.

Only the participating photographers are allowed to submit images.

Any professional service provider that took part in a specific photoshoot with a specific contestant may have use of any of the images submitted for that specific photoshoot with that specific contestant. Sponsors of the contest may elect to use any of the submitted images for their own marketing purposes under the Sponsor’s name only.