Detailed Step by Step on how the contest works

Step 1

Contestants, Photographers, Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists and Videographers register to take part in Supermodel SA 2023.

Step 2

Contestants pay their entry fees, see the Rules for the entry fees. Photographers, Makeup Artists, Hair Stylists do not pay to take part, but also don’t get paid to take part.

Step 3

Once a contestant has paid her once-off entry fee, she has to have her entry photo taken by a participating photographer. There is a specific format for this image and is also mentioned in the Rules. This image and all other images will be submitted by the participating photographers only. (Photographers understand the format and quality in detail and will ensure that your best possible image is submitted.)

Step 4

The Contest starts on the 1st of April when a theme is announced for Round 1. The following needs to happen during each Round:

  1. The contestant needs to contact a participating photographer, makeup artist and hair stylist and plan the photoshoot according to the theme.
  2. The theme needs to be carefully studied and the contestant needs to practice poses and prepare well for the shoot. We have some articles on our website to help the contestants with this.
  3. Contestants need to respect the time of the photographers, makeup artists and hair stylists. They are professionals and cannot waste their time with contestants that cannot plan well, or keep to the agreed schedules.
  4. The photoshoot needs to take place and images need to be submitted before the deadline for each round.

Step 5

Voting and judging is the exciting part of this contest. The images of the contestants will be displayed on our professional voting platform on this website when the time comes. We have some tips and tricks on our website on how to plan your success when it comes to voting.

Steps 4 and 5 are repeated for each round.


After Round 2 the combined scores of each contestant for Rounds 1 & 2 are calculated. Contestants will then be selected to go through to Rounds 3 & 4. Scores are cleared at this stage and everyone starts fresh.
After Round 4 the combined scores of each contestant for Rounds 3 & 4 are calculated. Contestants will then be selected to go through to Rounds 5 & 6.

Scores are cleared at this stage and everyone starts fresh.

After Round 6 the combined scores of each contestant for Rounds 5 & 6 are calculated. Contestants will then be selected to go through to the final two Rounds 7 & 8. On the same principle as before the scores are calculated to determine the winners.